Do we need another build tool for our Java projects? Maybe. Could Bld be the one? Honestly, I’m not sure. What I can tell you, though, is that working with pure Java even with the building tasks is a refreshing experience. Whether it’s because I’m saving my brain from context switching or something else, I enjoyed staying in the flow while fiddling with my project. That’s something I’ve never experienced with Maven, my go-to build tool in the Java world. I can’t wait to share what I've learned - so let's Bld something!
Every statement printing debug messages should ideally be a test case in your unit tests. However, let’s be honest — when no one is watching, we all do quick and dirty tricks to validate or debug our code. But is there a better way than cluttering your codebase with log statements? Spoiler alert: Yes, there is! Embrace logpoints in Visual Studio Code.
After getting our feet wet with a simple AI Assistant in the previous post, let's Continue (pun intended) with a more sophisticated solution: set up VS Code with the Continue extension. We will explore the main features through very simple examples, and I hope you will have a sense of how these tools can enhance your developer workflow.